The Open LMS WORK Plugin Matrix identifies and describes approved plugins for the Open LMS WORK deployments. Not every plugin is enabled by default so there may be plugins available to use that are not yet enabled on your site. This matrix indicates all the available plugins. Some plugins may depend on paid services to fully function or the hosting of external applications that Open LMS does not host directly. Any plugin that is available, but not on your site can be enabled via a support ticket. While most requests for install can be handled in two business days, please be aware that turnaround times can vary.
We have arranged the plugins into the following developer groups:
- Moodle™ Core Plugins: Plugins that are maintained by Moodle™ HQ as part of the Moodle™ core code.™
- Open LMS Plugins: Plugins that are maintained by Open LMS.
- Community Plugins: Plugins that are maintained by Moodle™ community members individually or as part of an organization.
Note some of these require payment or an external service to use. Where Open LMS was able to determine this, we have noted it.
If you have a plugin in mind that is not on this list, you can try a similar one that we do have available or request an estimate for us to review and add the plugin to the list. If you need some suggestions on what might be a closest fit or better choice, just open a ticket with us and we would be happy to help.
If you are an Open LMS EDU or Enterprise customer, you could take a look at the EDU Plugin Matrix or Enterprise Plugin Matrix.
Plugin type | Name | Description | Component id | Fee or external service associated |
Open LMS plugin | Advanced primary menu | This replaces the native Moodle custom menu items feature. This version allows administrators to create menu items that show depending on roles, tenant membership, or specific capabilities. | local_navmenu | |
Open LMS plugin | Catalogue | A searchable and filterable course catalog that displays courses in a grid view. It uses the course image or admins can set a default course image as a fallback option. | local_catalogue |
Open LMS plugin | Certifications | Certifications let administrations set up programs that have expiration and re-certification requirements. | tool_certify | |
Open LMS plugin | Decimal | This is a custom field type that displays as a decimal and allows mathematical calculations for reporting purposes | customfield_decimal | |
Open LMS plugin | Face to face | Extended version of a community plugin which provides the ability to manage live sessions, including locations, trainers, equipment, registration, and attendance. Included is an availability condition that limits access based on booking status to specific sessions. | mod_facetoface availability_facetoface |
Open LMS plguin | File storage | This tool tracks files that are used in Moodle and stored in the moodledata folder. It provides an overview of those files and reporting to let administrators review files by side, type and quickly identify the location of files. | tool_filestorage | |
Open LMS plugin | Import Completion/Grades | A plugin that allows administrators to bulk mark courses complete (with user specific dates) and load grades into courses. | tool_import_completion | |
Open LMS plugin | Marketing Slides | This plugin enables users to create image sliders that can include overlay text and links. | block_marketingslides | |
Open LMS plugin | Multiple Dashboards | Create multiple dashboards and make them available to specific tenants, cohorts, or user roles. | local_multidash block_mydashboards |
Open LMS plugin | Multitenancy | Enables the creation of tenants in Open LMS WORK. Tenants are logical separations between users that enables delegation of user management to tenant admins and separation of content where desired. | tool_olms_tenant | |
Open LMS plugin | Open LMS | A helper plugin that holds shared code used by multiple plugins | local_openlms | |
Open LMS plugin | Open LMS WORK | The Open LMS WORK theme is based on Boost, but provides support for per tenant logos, css, and other brand elements. | theme_olms_work | |
Open LMS plugin | Programs | A set of plugins which provides programs which link courses together with access control, due dates, and other automation. |
enrol_programs block_myprograms |
Open LMS plugin | Related users | A user profile field plugin which enables assigning a user in an oversight or mentor type relationship with another user. Also automates the assignment of roles relative to users. | profilefield_relateduser | |
Open LMS plugin | Open Report Engine(ORE) | A reporting solution that allows users to create reports from a list of available sources. Reports and graphs can be embedded in blocks. Can also be used to create reporting dashboards. |
block_report_manager block_report_graph block_report_table local_qtypemultichoicestats local_reportbuilder |
Open LMS plugin | Taxonomy | Taxonomies allow the creation of hierarchical structures that can be linked to users - such as department or position taxonomies. |
profilefield_taxonomy profilefield_taxonomyautocomplete local_taxonomy |
Open LMS plugin | User Development Plans | User development plans allow users to request plans which include courses, programs, and milestones or allow related users to assign plans to users that they have oversight. |
block_myudplans enrol_udplans |
Open LMS plugin | Workplace certificates | A set of plugins which issue certificates for courses and manage templates at the site and category levels. Extended from the community plugin to support Open LMS WORK specific features. |
mod_coursecertificate tool_certificate |
Open LMS plugin | SAML2 Single Sign On | The SAML2 Single Sign On plugin does authentication and user auto creation with field mapping. Extended by Open LMS to support idps per tenant. | auth_saml2 | |
Community plugin | Intellicart | A complete eCommerce and reporting solution residing inside your Open LMS instance. | block_products_catalog enrol_intellicart local_intellicart profilefield_vendor block_intellicart_sessions | Yes, requires a subscription to use. |
Community plugin | Intelliboard | Intelliboard is an analytics and reporting solution. There are two versions - classic Intelliboard and Intelliboard NEXT | local_intelliboard local_intellidata |
Yes, requires a subscription to use. |
Community plugin | User key auth | Auth plugin for organizing simple one way SSO (single sign on) between moodle and your external web application. | auth_userkey | |
Community plugin | Attendance | The Attendance plugin allows instructors to keep track of who is attending their course and allows learners to view their attendance records. | block_attendance mod_attendance |
Community plugin | Structured feedback | Structured feedback enables teachers to define any number of criteria on which to provide individual feedback comments for a student's assignment submission. | assignfeedback_structured | |
Community plugin | Multi-Language Content | Makes the creation of multilingual content easier with Atto editor | atto_multilang2 | |
Community plugin |
Multi-Language Content (v2) |
Makes the creation of multilingual content easier with Tiny editor | tiny_multilang2 | |
Community plugin | Restriction by cohort | Lets users restrict resources, activities and sections based on cohorts. | availability_cohort | |
Community plugin | Restriction by course completion | Restrict module and section access based on course completion. | availability_coursecompleted | |
Community plugin | Restriction by language | Restrict module and section access based on user language. | availability_language | |
Community plugin | Restriction by password | Availability plugin which lets users restrict resources and activities with password access | availability_password | |
Community plugin | Checklist | A checklist can be created by a teacher (or generated from the activities in a course) and then the students or teachers can check-off each item as they are completed. |
block_checklist mod_checklist gradeexport_checklist |
Community plugin | Text (on cohorts) | This Text block provides the possibility to selectively display the block to members of specific cohorts. | block_cohortspecifichtml | |
Community plugin | Exabis E-Portfolio | Exabis ePortfolio allows students to create, collect and share outcomes of their learning process in form of a digital portfolio. | block_exaport | |
Community plugin | Grade Me | Shows a teacher all of the assignments and manual quiz questions (essays and file responses) that have been submitted, but not graded. | block_grade_me | |
Community plugin | OpenAI Chat Block | This plugin provides a chat block powered by OpenAI's GPT-3 text completion API, with customizable AI personality. | block_openai_chat | Requires a commercial subscription |
Community plugin | ReadSpeaker | Use this block to quickly and easily integrate text-to-speech tools | block_readspeaker_embhl | Requires a license from ReadSpeaker to use |
Community plugin | Sharing Cart | Enables sharing of content (resources, activities) between multiple courses on your site | block_sharing_cart | |
Community plugin | Level Up XP | The Level Up! plugin allows instructors to gamify courses to engage learners. |
block_xp block_xp_plus |
Plus version requires a subscription |
Community plugin |
Microsoft Word File Import/Export (Book) |
Import the contents of a Microsoft Word file into a book, splitting it into chapters and (optionally) subchapters, based on the heading styles. | booktool_wordimport | |
Community plugin | AutoEnrol | Adds functionality to automatically enroll users onto a course, either as they log in to your site or as they access a course with the ability to filter users by multiple values. | enrol_autoenrol | |
Community plugin | Course completed enrolment | Enroll users upon completion of a course in a different course. |
enrol_coursecompleted | |
Community plugin | Multi-Language Content (v2) | This filter is a greatly simplified multi-language filter. It uses very simple non-HTML tags to mark multi-language blocks. | filter_multilang2 | |
Community plugin | Flexible sections format | Organizes course content in any number of sections that can be nested. Each section can be displayed on the same page or on a separate page. | format_flexsections | |
Community plugin | Grid Format | A modular and visual course format. Hides all topics and creates a grid of icons (one for each topic) with short titles. Clicking on an icon brings up the content from the corresponding topic. | format_grid | |
Community plugin | Onetopic format | Format that allows showing each topic in a tab, keeping the current tab between calls to resources, in such a way that when it returns from a module as the blog or the glossary it returns to the tab from where you started. | format_onetopic | |
Community plugin | Tiles format | A course format which displays course topics as "Tiles", in a grid rather than as a list. When clicked, tile content is displayed under the tile with an animated transition. The layout adapts to different screen sizes and orientations. | format_tiles | |
Community plugin | Collapsed topics | An interchangeable topic or week based format that solves the issue of the 'Scroll of Death' when a course has many topics. | format_topcoll | |
Community plugin | Use template on course creation | This local plugin allows site administrators to create "template" courses which will be restored into new courses on course creation. | local_course_template | |
Community plugin | Profile field based cohort membership | Plugin which lets admins manage cohort memberships based on users' custom profile fields | local_profilecohort | |
Community plugin | Event Reminders | This plugin will automate sending reminders for calendar events. | local_reminders | |
Community plugin | xAPI Logstore | The xAPI Logstore plugin creates a detailed log of actions and results in the LMS which are used to produce xAPI statements that are sent to your Learning Record Store (LRS). | logstore_xapi | Yes (requires an LRS) |
Community plugin | xAPI Launch Link | Launch external xAPI (Tin Can) activities and track on a Learning Record Store (LRS) | mod_tincanlaunch | Yes (requires an LRS) |
Community plugin | Group choice | This module allows students to enrol themselves in a group within a course. The teacher can select which groups students can chose from and the maximum number of students allowed in each group. | mod_choicegroup | |
Community plugin | Custom Certificate |
Enables the creation of dynamically generated certificates with complete customisation via the web browser. Does not support all WORK features - Open LMS recommends using the certificate plugins listed as Open LMS supported. |
mod_customcert | |
Community plugin | Debate | Debate is an activity which allows students to debate a given topic inside a course. | mod_debate | |
Community plugin | Group self-selection | Lets students create and select groups. | mod_groupselect | |
Community plugin | Hot question | This plugin will help teachers to collect entries/posts from users in or out of a classroom. | mod_hotquestion | |
Community plugin | Journal | This module allows a teacher to ask students to reflect on a particular topic. The students can edit and refine their answer over time. | mod_journal | |
Community plugin | Live poll | This module allows having a live updating poll. | mod_livepoll | |
Community plugin | PDF Annotation | The PDF annotator allows students to insert questions, comments and remarks on learning materials in PDF format directly into the document. Since all students, lecturers and tutors can read and answer the questions and comments asked, it is made easier to clarify open questions on lecture slides, scripts and other PDF learning materials quickly and in a concrete context. | mod_pdfannotator | |
Community plugin | Poster | Poster is a resource activity module allowing you to create a web page. What makes this module unique is that the contents of the poster page is composed of blocks (such as HTML block, Calendar block, Latest news block etc.). | mod_poster | |
Community plugin | Student folder | With the module student folder (mod/publication) students can upload documents which can be made visible by teachers. | mod_publication | |
Community plugin | Questionnaire | Tool for creating surveys. This is an alternative to the Feedback module. | mod_questionnaire | |
Community plugin | Reengagement | Allows timed release of content and emails users to remind them to complete course activities. | mod_reengagement | |
Community plugin | 360° Feedback | A simple 360° feedback activity plugin. | mod_threesixo | |
Community plugin | Unilabel | This plugin enables you to include formated text on the course or frontpage; formats include: simple text, carousel, collapsed text, course teaser, and topic teaser. | mod_unilabel | |
Community plugin | Wooclap | Wooclap is a classroom response system with which teachers can transform smartphones from a nuisance into a learning tool, give every student a voice, and gauge their understanding of material in real-time. | mod_wooclap | Requires a Wooclap account. |
Community plugin | Zoom meeting | Zoom is a video and web conferencing platform that gives authorized users the ability to host online meetings and webinars. | mod_zoom | Requires a Zoom account with API access. |
Community plugin | Stripe | Enable Stripe to collect payments through various providers. E.g. credit cards, Alipay, Sofort. | paygw_stripe | Requires a Stripe account to use |
Community plugin | Ad-hoc database queries | This report plugin allows Administrators to set up arbitrary database queries to act as ad-hoc reports. Reports can be of two types, either run on demand, or scheduled to run automatically. Other users with the right capability can go in and see a list of queries that they have access to. | report_customsql | |
Community plugin | OpenSesame | The OpenSesame Connector is an integration tool providing the ability to automatically create and configure Opensesame courses within your site. It also contains all of the main settings required to integrate with OpenSesame content. | tool_opensesame | Requires an OpenSesame license |
Core plugin | Admin Bookmarks | Administrators can use this block to save most visited areas of the administration block. | block_admin_bookmarks | |
Core plugin | Administration Block | The Admin block provides context-sensitive links to settings pages. | block_settings | |
Core plugin | Assignment | Teachers can collect student work to review and give helpful feedback. | mod_assign | |
Core plugin | Big Blue Button | The Big Blue Button plugin gives authorized users the ability to host online meetings and webinars. | mod_bigbluebuttonbn | Requires a BigBlueButton server or service provider |
Core plugin | Blog | The Blog plugin provides a user based site wide blog space with the option to register external blogs (e.g. WordPress) with automatic republishing features. Also supports tagging for searchability. | block_blog_tags | |
Core plugin | Book | A multi-paged resource with a book like format; supporting chapters and subchapters with a table of contents. Supports rich HTML content and can be printed out as a PDF. | mod_book | |
Core plugin | Boost Theme | The Boost Theme plugin is the default core theme for sites. | theme_boost | |
Core plugin | Calendar | Display site, course, user, and group events. Supports consumption of external calendars and publishing to external calendars. | block_calendar_month | |
Core plugin | CAS Server (SSO) | Authenticate against a CAS server. | auth_cas | |
Core plugin | Chat | Have real-time synchronous discussions with participants. | mod_chat | |
Core plugin | Choice | Ask a question that gets the learner to make a choice. | mod_choice | |
Core plugin | Course Completion Status | View student progress towards completing the course. | block_completionstatus | |
Core plugin | Course Upload | Allows an administrator to upload a CSV file to create, update, delete and import content into a course. | tool_uploadcourse | |
Core plugin | Database | Collaboratively build, display, and search a bank of record entries such as links, images, text, and files. | mod_data | |
Core plugin | Drag and Drop Into Text | This question type allows students to drag text into boxes in the question as answers to fill in the blanks. | qtype_ddwtos | |
Core plugin | Drag and Drop Onto Image | Teachers can create questions that allow students to drag and drop images or text on to defined drop zones on a background image. | qtype_ddimageortext | |
Core plugin | Embedded Files | Re-use files embedded in a text area. | repository_areafiles | |
Core plugin | Enrolment on Payment | The Enrolment on Payment plugin enables users to make payments via PayPal or other payment gateways in order to be enrolled in a course. | enrol_fee | |
Core plugin | EQUELLA™ | A digital repository that allows instructors to search for learning objects available to them with rating, tagging and federated search functionalities. They can also classify and search for learning objects by standards, ensuring alignment to outcomes and assessments. | repository_equella | |
Core plugin | External Tool (LTI Consumer) | The External Tool plugin is the LTI Advantage consumer for external tools you might want to use in your LMS. Publishers and online tool developers can create standardized, hosted services without having to write specific plugins for each platform. | mod_lti | |
Core plugin | Feedback | Create custom surveys to collect feedback from participants. | mod_feedback | |
Core plugin | File | Store and share files within a course. | mod_resource | |
Core plugin | Flat File (CSV) | Enrollment method that allows a user to upload course enrollments using .CSV file. | enrol_flatfile | |
Core plugin | Folder | Group related files together in one spot. | mod_folder | |
Core plugin | Forum | Exchange ideas by posting comments as part of a discussion thread. | mod_forum | |
Core plugin | Glossary | Create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary. | mod_glossary | |
Core plugin | H5P | H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package. It enables educators to create content such as interactive videos, quizzes and presentations. | mod_h5pactivity | |
Core plugin | IMAP Server | IMAP based authentication. | auth_imap | |
Core plugin | Import Competency Framework From CSV | This admin tool allows import/export of competency frameworks using a comma separated value file (CSV). | tool_lpimportcsv | |
Core plugin | IMS Content Package | The IMS content package plugin adds support for loading IMS content packages as resources in your course. IMS content packages are like SCORM packages but without the tracking. | mod_imscp | |
Core plugin | Label | A way to add text to the content area of your course. | mod_label | |
Core plugin | LDAP Enrollments | The LDAP Enrollments plugin works best in conjunction with LDAP Authentication and allows your LDAP server to control enrollments in courses. This plugin can also be set to automatically create new courses when new groups appear in LDAP. | enrol_ldap | |
Core plugin | Lesson | A series of interactive pages that require user interaction before advancing. | mod_lesson | |
Core plugin | LTI Publish | The LTI Publish plugin turns your site into a LTI Provider tool. It can be used to provide access to full courses or selected content in a course from another LMS, just like an LTI tool. Automatically creates accounts, enrolls them, uses SSO, tracks use, and reports outcomes to the LTI Consumer site. | enrol_lti | |
Core plugin | Manual Enrolments | Enrollment method that allows teachers and administrators to manually enroll users in a course. | enrol_manual | |
Core plugin | Mentees | Provides a user’s mentor with quick access to user’s profile page. | block_mentees | |
Core plugin | MNet ® | A network feature that allows a site administrator to establish a link with another Moodle™-based site and share resources with the users of that site. | block_mnet_hosts | |
Core plugin | My Private Files | View and manage personal files in the private file area. | block_private_files | |
Core plugin | No Login Authentication | The No Login Authentication plugin allows administrators to set user accounts to be no longer active without deleting the account from the system. | auth_nologin | |
Core plugin | Oauth2 Authentication | The Oauth2 Authentication plugin adds the “Sign-in with your other account" button on the login page. The first time a user logs in, a new account is created. Supports familiar services such as Google, Facebook, Linkedin, etc. | tool_oauth2 | |
Core plugin | Offline Attempts Access | The Offline Attempts Access plugin adds a new access rule to allow a quiz to be downloaded for offline use in the Open LMS Mobile app. | quizaccess_offlineattempts | |
Core plugin | Online Users | The Online Users plugin shows a list of users who are currently logged into a course. | block_online_users | |
Core plugin | Page | The Page plugin allows the creation of an HTML page inside your course. | mod_page | |
Core plugin | PayPal | The PayPal plugin enables users to make payments via PayPal in order to be enrolled in a course. This plugin uses old APIs for PayPal which still work, but an updated alternative is the Enrolment on Payment plugin. | enrol_paypal | |
Core plugin | POP3 Server Authentication |
The POP3 Server Authentication plugin allows a client to authenticate users against a POP3 email server. | auth_pop3 | |
Core plugin | Quiz | The Quiz plugin allows the user to design and implement quizzes with a large variety of question types. | mod_quiz | |
Core plugin | Quiz Results | The Quiz Results plugin displays the highest and/or lowest grades achieved on a quiz in a course. | block_quiz_results | |
Core plugin | Radius Authentication | The Radius Authentication plugin allows a client to authenticate users against a RADIUS server. | auth_radius | |
Core plugin | Random Glossary Entry | The Random Glossary Entry plugin displays random entries from a selected glossary. | block_glossary_random | |
Core plugin | Recent Activity | The Recent Activity plugin shows activity since last accessing the course. | block_recent_activity | |
Core plugin | Rubric Advanced Grading | The Rubric Advanced Grading plugin lets you define your own custom criteria for scoring the assignment submission. | gradingform_rubric | |
Core plugin | SCORM | The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) plugin supports SCORM content. | mod_scorm | |
Core plugin | Select Missing Words (Gapselect) | The Select Missing Words (Gapselect) plugin allows learners to complete a paragraph of text by selecting the missing words using drop-down menus. | qtype_gapselect | |
Core plugin | Single Activity Format | The Single Activity Format plugin creates a course based on a single activity with no extra content or pages. | format_singleactivity | |
Core plugin | Site Main Menu | The Site Main Menu plugin allows site administrators to add resources and activities to the main page of the site. | block_site_main_menu | |
Core plugin | Social Activities | The Social Activities plugin is a block that works in conjunction with the Social Course Format. It enables additional activities to be added to a social forum course. | block_social_activities | |
Core plugin | Social Course Format | The Social Course Format plugin creates a format oriented around one main social forum. It is useful for situations that are more free form and separate from the learning course spaces. | format_social | |
Core plugin | Survey | The Survey plugin provides standard, verified survey instruments (eg COLLES and ATTLS) for evaluating what users think about their courses. | mod_survey | |
Core plugin | Topics Course Format | The Topics Course Format plugin groups activities and resources together by category, topic, or unit. | format_topics | |
Core plugin | Upcoming Events | The Upcoming Events plugin displays a list of upcoming events for a specific period of time. | block_calendar_upcoming | |
Core plugin | URL | The URL plugin creates a link to a URL from the course page. | mod_url | |
Core plugin | User Tours | The User Tours plugin allows administrators to create contextual visual step-by-step guides. | tool_usertours | |
Core plugin | Weekly Course Format | The Weekly Course Format plugin creates a section for each week of a course based on the course start and end dates. Each section has a date heading and the current week is highlighted. | format_weeks | |
Core plugin | Wiki | The Wiki plugin creates a collaborative website for a course, where all learners can contribute. | mod_wiki | |
Core plugin | Workshop | The Workshop plugin enables the collection, review, and peer assessment of learners' work, using a multi-criteria form defined by the instructor. | mod_workshop |
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