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Inconsistent views for users with Admin level access



  • Stephen Ladek

    Credit (Greg Bird): 


    To get things out of the way, there is no "admin view" per se  - just a higher set of privileges.   

    When they login, they will retain their previous enrolments (including their instructor enrolments), so they may not even notice the change.   Eg if they are in a course and they previously had editing rights (by virtue of their instructor enrolment), then it will look entirely the same.

    Can they see the "Site administration" menu?   Depending on your theme, you should find this under the cog (top right)

    Other than this, have you ruled out the following?

    1. Does the user have two accounts in Moodle and have you registered the right account as System Admin?
    2. Have they fully logged out and logged in again, so as to force the browser to notice the difference?
    3. Have they cleared their browser cache (this shouldn't be necessary, but worth a try)?
  • Stephen Ladek

    Credit (Trey Ogle): Yeah, that probably wasn't the best way to phrase my question, I apologize for that confusion. They can see the site administration menu and can navigate freely, but their view looks completely different from mine as site admin. I'll have them try logging out of the browser and clearing cache files to see if that makes a difference. I've worked two days trying to figure this out, so I appreciate your response. Hard to train them when they don't see what you do.

  • Stephen Ladek

    Credit (Greg Bird): 

    Could it be down to changes in the personal user preferences, between yourself and the individual? (/user/preferences.php)

    The other thing that may have happened is that you have assigned them at the wrong context (eg in a course or category, rather than system). This is highly unlikely with the sys admin role, but you may have tweaked yours.

    Oh, and one last thing to check. With OpenLMS (as opposed to out-of-the-box Moodle), there may actually be two roles that claim to be System Admin, but are subtly different.

    Only one of these two roles is a true high-level sys admin, the second is a slightly diminished one. This second role will have a name unique to your instance (ours says TVC admin).

    You need to be a true Sys Admin to be able to run Admin-level SQL reports etc.

    If you are a true System Admin, you have access to /admin/roles/admins.php

    One way to confirm definitively is to go to check system permissions (/admin/roles/check.php?contextid=1), then dial up their name. It should list something like:
    "System Administrator in System" at the top

  • Stephen Ladek

    Credit (Trey Ogle): Thanks Greg. Sorry for the delay in responding, I've tried everything you suggested and he still has a different view than I do for some odd reason. It's not necessarily a problem, more of a slight inconvenience. He can access everything as needed as admin, just has "my courses" vs "all courses" at bottom of home screen. It probably is a personal setting we've yet to find, but thanks for your help.


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