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The perfect banner size for the SNAP theme



  • Stephen Ladek

    Credit (Greg Bird): The thing to acknowledge with Snap is that the banner is responsive. As such you will never know the finished dimensions that the user will see, as this is contingent on the device, browser size and length of title (long description).

    A great solution is to not try and fight this, but work with it. Choose images that don't rely on a specific size in order o be meaningful. Textures are great for this - have a look at some of these unsplash textures as an example:

  • Stephen Ladek

    Credit (Andy Braden): Like Greg suggests I tend to skew towards abstract images with darker tones. Size wise I do often times crop the image to be around 1900 x 450. What is fun with that is that I can take one image and slice it into 2 or 3 similar but different background images. Feels like a theme.

  • Stephen Ladek

    Credit (Jason Ford): We turned that off for faculty so we could control that. Our goal was to provide them with requested course cards and build up a library they can eventually choose from. I haven't tested whether or not if these import from course to course. If not, we will have to open this up at some point to them. We currently have hidden the banner inside the course with CSS but leave the course card turned on as that's what students have asked us for.


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