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Course Import - Slow



  • Howard Stacy

    I have had reports of the importing locking up at the 99% point. One time the import duplicated all the content, the next one it took two days for the content to appear. We received no message that it had failed or that it was still running. 

  • Gretchen Benton

    We are experiencing the same thing! I just saw one today stuck at 99% for almost an hour. We have had several that resulted in partial imports that I have had to fix with a course restore file. Most common issue so far is the gradebook settings not importing. 

  • Howard Stacy

    We did not have any issues until the most recent update. I am not sure if its related or not, but no problems before hand.... We were told that it was our question bank. Tier 2 is supposed to be looking into it, but I haven't heard anything back yet. 

  • Gretchen Benton

    I was told the issue may be our old Zoom plugin in a recent ticket, but some of the courses affected didn't use it, so I am not sure that was the cause. Our issues started around the same time. First one reported May 1st, it was an easy fix, we just imported it again. Several more have been reported in the last week getting stuck/partial imports. Fixing the issue has been taking at least a couple hours each per course by using a course restore file in lieu of importing. It's loading very slow too, but seems a little more reliable.


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