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Assignment settings page expand/collapse default


1 comment

  • Official comment
    Rafael Becerra

    Hi Katherine!

    AFAIK there is not a specific setting to modify this behavior, but it can be achieved through additional HTML with a script at Site Administration > Appearance > Additional HTML

    You can add something like

    if (document.getElementById('id_modstandardgrade')) {
       document.getElementById('collapseElement-7').click(); // Expand Additional Names section.

    where the id_modstandardgrade is the id for the grade fieldset and the collapseElement-7 is the id for the <a> that expands the fieldset, this may be different in your case depending on the form you want to modify. Since every activity doesn't have the same fieldsets you may need to add the .click() for each case.

    If you want further explanation on this, you can take a look at this page.

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