New functionalities in header and My courses new page view for Snap
FeaturedAs part of our continuous improvements over Snap, we want to give you a glimpse of these changes prior to the release of 4.1 MP3 in December.
First of all, Snap will have a renovated header to take in consideration the information that can be added in the user menu settings, some of these links are the ones that can be found currently in the Personal menu header.
This way you can customize the links in this menu as in Boost theme at /admin/settings.php?section=themesettings.
About My courses, this is something that has been in discussion for some time, we have decided to change the default behavior of Snap with this link, now when clicked you will be redirected yo My courses page /my/courses.php, where you will find something similar as you can have in the Personal menu, with a block named "Course overview" and the block of "Snap feeds", this way you will be able to have the same information as in the Personal menu. As a note, this is the same behavior of Boost but without the Snap feeds block added.
An important thing to note about this view, the Course overview block that appears here, have its own settings and can be seen at /admin/settings.php?section=blocksettingmyoverview, and you can control its visibility at /admin/blocks.php. The block must be enabled so it can be seen in My courses page view.
As for the Personal menu, you can still use it, through Snap administration settings, there is a section with the Personal menu and My courses settings, where you can enable or not the Personal menu usage and the information of Snap feeds in its own section, remember that the changes made here will affect every user of the platform.
If enabled the My courses link in the header will open the Personal menu, if it is disabled in its default state, the link will redirect to My courses new page view.
Any suggestions or doubts about this change, we will be more than happy to answer them.
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