Snap Theme - 3.11.6 (2022101200) - Custom Certificate Plugin
Hi There,
I updated the snap theme on my site and now I am not able to reposition elements in the custom certificate plugin.
This is the error that I get:
Exception - htmlspecialchars(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, action_link given
Debug info:
Error code: generalexceptionmessage
Stack trace:
- line 100 of /lib/weblib.php: TypeError thrown
- line 100 of /lib/weblib.php: call to htmlspecialchars()
- line 1713 of /lib/outputcomponents.php: call to s()
- line 1727 of /lib/outputcomponents.php: call to html_writer::attribute()
- line 1656 of /lib/outputcomponents.php: call to html_writer::attributes()
- line 1645 of /lib/outputcomponents.php: call to html_writer::start_tag()
- line 1779 of /lib/outputcomponents.php: call to html_writer::tag()
- line 2056 of /theme/snap/classes/output/core_renderer.php: call to html_writer::link()
- line 53 of /theme/snap/layout/default.php: call to theme_snap\output\core_renderer->snapnavbar()
- line 1401 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to include()
- line 1331 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to core_renderer->render_page_layout()
- line 138 of /mod/customcert/rearrange.php: call to core_renderer->header()
Please can you help?
This was corrected by downgrading PHP from PHP v8 to the previous version PHP v7.4.PHP v7.4 version is no longer supported since December 2022 so it is not receiving security fixes, this is a moderate security risk.
Please can you advise if you are experiencing this issue with Snap theme?
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