eLearn Mag reading club: Let's talk about emotional expectations in business and learning
Today's reading comes courtesy of Jorge Vela, Project Manager at Open LMS
Working questions:
- How can you incorporate emotional expectations in your organization? From marketing strategies, down to post-conversion, how do you nurture a stronger emotional connection with your learners, teachers and users overall?
- Can you think of a real-world example of organizations that have successfully taken emotional expectations into account?
As eLearning professionals, how can you take into account the emotional expectations of their students when designing and delivering courses? Can you give any examples of how this approach has led to increased student engagement and learning outcomes?
- What are some potential pitfalls of solely focusing on functional requirements and neglecting emotional expectations in product development?
- What role does empathy play in understanding and meeting emotional expectations of users, learners, teachers, customers?
Ps. Do you have reading recommendations? Please share your submissions below! Ideas for upcoming article topics? (And would you like to write for us?) Let us know!
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