Release videos
Release Notes
As part of this major release, the team in Open LMS upgraded the platforms and reviewed the code of versions 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.3, 4.0.4, and 4.0.5, adding the corresponding fixes, improvements, security patches, and important backports.
For the full releases notes from, please see:
Recommended browsers:
Moodle™ is compatible with any standards-compliant web browser. We regularly test Moodle™ with the following browsers:
Edge Note: Moodle™ 4.0 does NOT support Internet Explorer 11.
Safari 7 and below has known compatibility issues with Moodle™ 4.0.
Google Chrome For the best experience and optimum security, we recommend that you keep your browser up to date.
Open LMS Mobile App version upgrade
Release Highlights
We have updated our mobile App to Moodle™ version 4.0.2 for IOS and for Android devices. You can find it in the Android and Apple stores available for download.
Moodle™ Highlights and how they look in Open LMS
Improved Usability and Navigation
This new version of Moodle™ has improvements in usability, user experience, and navigation, which are especially evident if you use the Boost theme.
SNAP, in addition to Classic, is going to maintain a very similar look and feel to 3.11MP5.
General Improvements
Primary and Secondary Menus
Visible option to enter edit mode
Collapsible and better aesthetic blocks
Dashboard with improved calendar and timeline
New My Courses Tab
Contextual course navigation
Improved course Index
Collapsible course sections
Primary and Secondary Menus
There are new Primary and secondary menus in the navigation of the platform that can be found in the header and within the body of different sites. This secondary menu will show contextual navigation, depending on the user’s role and site.
Visible Edit Mode Option
Boost now has a visible edit mode option that is always visible on the top right corner of the platform. This element was not adopted into SNAP or Classic, both have their traditional Turn edition on options.
Improved collapsible blocks
Boost has improved the user experience of the blocks, they are now collapsible and have an enhanced look and feel.
Dashboard with improved calendar and timeline
The dashboard view has now an improved calendar with a new timeline functionality. This timeline improvement will help users stay on top of their deadlines, and easily sort them by date, course, or timeframe.
All improvements were adopted by Boost, SNAP, and Classic.
My Courses Tab
There is a new My courses tab in the 4.0 release. This tab is visible in the header of themes Boost and Classic and will redirect the users to their enrolled courses.
This view has improved filters and an intuitive search bar
SNAP has not adopted this new tab and maintains its original My courses tab.
Contextual course navigation
A contextual course menu was added in Boost to ease the navigation of its users. Now, at the top of the course body, users will find a new menu, that will show different elements depending on their role.
Course index
Boost now has an improved course index, which will ease the course content's navigation. This index has collapsible sections and a grey/green indicator for completed content.
This contextual navigation and the course index functionality were not adopted by SNAP or Classic, which will maintain their course navigation as before.
New resource and activity icons
With this release, Moodle™ introduced a new set of activity and resource icons, with a new color scheme.
Green: Collaboration
Pink: Assessment
Red: Communication
Blue: Content
Classic has adopted all new icons and colors. SNAP adopted the new package of icons, but kept their original SNAP colors.
Boost and Classic
Assignment improvements
Assignments in this new version have interesting new features, such as a new activity description section, a new condition: Grade to pass, and timed assignments. These enhancements can be found across all themes.
Please note that the new Timed Assignments feature must first be enabled at the system level, which can be done by navigating to Administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Assignment > Assignment settings
Timed assignments in SNAP
Formerly a feature of Moodle Workplace™, the Report builder feature is now integrated with version 4.0 for all users. This functionality allows administrators to create and share custom reports.
Easily add and remove columns
Conditions, filters, better structure, and card view
Preview Button
Define the access type by report
Program reports
Read more about this feature in the Moodle™ documentation.
BigBlueButton integration
With this new release, Moodle™ is introducing a free trial of BigBlueButton for live web conferencing.
This free layer of functionality includes:
Teachers can create sessions of up to 60 minutes with up to 25 participants
Teachers can also share their screens, use whiteboards, and surveys, divide sessions into groups and record the session for up to 7 days.
Other course improvements
Better Drag-and-Drop
On/Off visible option
Improved “Add block” and “ Add an activity or resource” buttons
Content updates notification for students
Other General Improvements
Improved User tours with images
Question bank plugins show or hide options
Question bank improved question management
Improved Accessibility for the Atto Editor
Support of LTI 1.3 Advantage
Admin configuration presets
Open LMS Highlights
General UX and UI improvements
For the 4.0 release, the Open LMS team focused on the review and adaptation of the new core 4.0 code for our platform and its themes. Within that process, we made several UI and UX improvements.
SNAP icons redesign for activities - Core and Open plugins
File Appearance info attributes for SNAP
For design reasons in the past, the Appearance section in SNAP’s course settings was hidden by default. This section is now visible and with new options.
Login settings view
The login redesign for SNAP was further improved with more explicit descriptions and instructions so that the new features were more intuitive.
New “Open LMS” tab for Boost contextual menu
In the new contextual menu of Boost, there is a new tab named More. Open LMS had too many unique elements that were listed in this category, so we decided to create a new one named “Open LMS” for specific Open LMS plugins.
Accessibility improvements for Open LMS 4.0
The new Moodle™ 4.0 version comes with several accessibility improvements. Since these changes come from Moodle™ core, every Boost-based theme will benefit from them.
These are the updates that were made for this new version
Remove online-offline options on notifications.
In Site administration > Messaging > Notification settings are the options for notifications across the site.
This view has been improved to increase its usability while reducing the number of switches and simplifying the Online/Offline settings to "On"/"Off".
Old version |
New version |
Give users an indication that they encountered an editor
In order to improve the usage of screen readers, now when a user finds an Atto editor navigating with their keyboard, the platform will announce that the user found an editor.
Make html_tables responsive by default
Across the site, every table has the same rendering through HTML. Now these tables are fully responsive independently of the screen size.
Move the screen reader helper button to the first row
The Atto editor option of the 'Accessibility checker' and the 'Screenreader helper', are being moved to be main elements in the options of the editor.
Old version |
New version |
SNAP in 4.0
With the changes made, the Snap theme has substantially benefited from the improvements. Adding to this the continuous changes made by the Open LMS team with each release, accessibility will continue to be an angular part of our efforts. Expect more to come with our next releases.
New Core plugins
Component Library |
tool_componentlibrary |
2022041900 |
Question Bank |
qbank_bulkmove |
2022041900 |
qbank_columnsortorder |
2022041900 |
qbank_columnsortorder |
2022041900 |
qbank_comment |
2022041900 |
qbank_customfields |
2022041900 |
qbank_editquestion |
2022041900 |
qbank_exportquestions |
2022041900 |
qbank_exporttoxml |
2022041900 |
qbank_history |
2022041900 |
qbank_importquestions |
2022041900 |
qbank_managecategories |
2022041900 |
qbank_previewquestion |
2022041900 |
qbank_previewquestion |
2022041900 |
qbank_statistics |
2022041900 |
qbank_tagquestion |
2022041900 |
qbank_tagquestion |
2022041900 |
qbank_usage |
2022041900 |
qbank_viewcreator |
2022041900 |
qbank_viewquestionname |
2022041900 |
qbank_viewquestiontext |
2022041900 |
qbank_viewquestiontype |
2022041900 |
Site admin presets |
tool_admin_presets |
2022041900 |
UI Component library |
tool_componentlibrary |
2022041900 |
Updated plugins
Ally |
tool_ally |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
filter_ally |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
report_allylti |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Workplace certificate |
certificateelement_border |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
certificateelement_code |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
certificateelement_date |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
certificateelement_digitalsignature |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
certificateelement_image |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
certificateelement_program |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
certificateelement_text |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
certificateelement_userfield |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
certificateelement_userpicture |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
tool_certificate |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
OpenID Connect |
auth_oidc |
2021051720 |
2022041910 |
SAML2 Single sign on |
auth_saml2 |
2022032200 |
2022111700 |
Attendance |
block_attendance |
2018052100 |
2022031800 |
Checklist |
block_checklist |
2021051500 |
2022012200 |
gradeexport_checklist |
2021041000 |
2022062800 |
mod_checklist |
2021063000 |
2022101500 |
Intellicart |
block_intellicart_sessions |
2022051800 |
2022111500 |
local_intellicart |
2022092000 |
2022111500 |
block_products_catalog |
2022080800 |
2022111500 |
enrol_intellicart |
2022090500 |
2022111500 |
Intelliboard |
local_intelliboard |
2022091204 |
2022103104 |
Intelliboard Next |
local_intellidata |
2022070200 |
2022111400 |
Microsoft |
block_microsoft |
2021051720 |
2022041900 |
local_o365 |
2021051723 |
2022041910 |
local_office365 |
2021051723 |
2022041910 |
local_onenote |
2021051720 |
2022041910 |
assignfeedback_onenote |
2021051710 |
2022041910 |
assignsubmission_onenote |
2021051710 |
2022041910 |
repository_office365 |
2021051720 |
2022041910 |
theme_boost_o365teams |
2021051720 |
2022041900 |
Sharing Cart |
block_sharing_cart |
2021092900 |
2022101400 |
Level Up! |
block_xp |
2022041501 |
2022052300 |
Grid Format |
format_grid |
2021102701 |
2022072203 |
Collapsed Topics |
format_topcoll |
2021061204 |
2022041701 |
Wiris Maths for More |
filter_wiris |
2021110900 |
2022070100 |
atto_wiris |
2021110900 |
2022070100 |
tinymce_tiny_mce_wiris |
2021110900 |
2022070100 |
local_wirisquizzes |
2021122100 |
2022090700 |
qtype_essaywiris |
2021122100 |
2022061500 |
qtype_matchwiris |
2021122100 |
2022061500 |
qtype_multianswerwiris |
2021122100 |
2022061500 |
qtype_multichoicewiris |
2021122100 |
2022061500 |
qtype_shortanswerwiris |
2021122100 |
2022061500 |
qtype_truefalsewiris |
2021122100 |
2022061500 |
qtype_wq |
2021122100 |
2022090700 |
RecordRTC for Atto |
atto_recordrtc |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
Adaptive Quiz |
mod_adaptivequiz |
2022020400 |
2022091900 |
Attendance |
mod_attendance |
2021082600 |
2022083107 |
BigBlueButton |
mod_bigbluebuttonbn |
2019101011 |
2022041901 |
Group choice |
mod_choicegroup |
2021083100 |
2022092202 |
Workplace course certificate |
mod_coursecertificate |
2022031610 |
2022082400 |
Custom certificate |
customcertelement_bgimage |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_border |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_categoryname |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_code |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_coursefield |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_coursename |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_grade |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_gradeitemname |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_image |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_qrcode |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_studentname |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_teachername |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_text |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_userfield |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
customcertelement_userpicture |
2021051700 |
2022041900 |
mod_customcert |
2021051701 |
2022041901 |
Dialogue |
mod_dialogue |
2021062900 |
2022032500 |
HotPot |
mod_hotpot |
2020060544 |
2022091548 |
Journal |
mod_journal |
2022041400 |
2022091600 |
Lightbox galery |
mod_lightboxgallery |
2021101400 |
2022102800 |
Questionnaire |
mod_questionnaire |
2021062300 |
2021062301 |
Quizventure |
mod_quizgame |
2021042700 |
2022030300 |
Zoom |
mod_zoom |
2022022400 |
2022110300 |
Turnitin |
plagiarism_turnitin |
2022032301 |
2022092101 |
plagiarism_turnitinsim |
2021060101 |
2022092101 |
Urkund |
plagiarism_urkund |
2021081801 |
2022101900 |
Microsoft Word File Import/Export |
qformat_wordtable |
2022040500 |
2022102600 |
Gapfill |
qtype_gapfill |
2021073100 |
2022092800 |
All-or-Nothing Multiple Choice |
qtype_multichoiceset |
2021071200 |
2022081100 |
Course Size Report |
report_coursesize |
2021040100 |
2021040101 |
Caliper log store |
logstore_caliper |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Logstore xAPI |
logstore_xapi |
2020032801 |
2022101800 |
Theme Assets |
tool_themeassets |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Theme tester |
tool_themetester |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Google SAML Auth |
auth_gsaml |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Restriction by release code |
availability_releasecode |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Google Apps |
block_gapps |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Profile Redirect |
block_profile_redirect |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Snap feeds |
block_snapfeeds |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
PLD enroll |
enrol_pld |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Checklist |
gradingform_checklist |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Collaborate |
mod_collaborate |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Go1 |
mod_goone |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Live Poll |
mod_livepoll |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
SafeAssign plagiarism |
plagiarism_safeassign |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
SNAP theme |
theme_snap |
2022101200 |
2022122100 |
Important considerations for plugins
Please consider that there are several community and vendor plugins that do not have a Moodle™ 4.0-supported version, which could lead to issues with the plugin functionality.
Please note the following considerations for these plugins:
Tiles - Course format
The Tiles plugin maintainer released a beta version for Moodle™ 4.0, unfortunately, this beta version has known issues with the Boost theme. It works correctly with Classic and SNAP.
While the maintainer fixes the issues, we recommend you use the Tiles course format with the course using SNAP or Classic for correct navigation and user experience.
BigBlueButton - Data Migration
With the integration of the new BigBlueButton plugin, which now comes by default for all Moodle™ customers, admin users may encounter that the plugin was disabled after the upgrade.
To reenable the plugin please:
Go to Site administration → Plugins → Activity modules → Manage activities.
Look up the “BigBlueButton” record.
- Click on the disabled eye icon to enable it.
- Then the admin user should read and accept the data processing agreement to start using the activity.
After the upgrade, users may also experience a problem with old recordings migration. Moodle™ is aware of this situation and provided a CLI to handle this issue. Please reach out to support in case you find that your old recordings were not migrated correctly, and our team will run the Moodle™ CLI.
Microsoft OIDC
The newest version of the Microsoft OIDC plugin created some malfunctioning on our code, so while this is being corrected, some of the new features of this plugin’s upgrade are disabled.
End of life of plugins
Core Moodle™ plugins removed by Moodle™
Jabber |
jabber |
Picasa |
picasa |
The Health center tool |
tool_health |
Boxnet plugins |
boxnet |
repository_boxnet |
Quiz results block |
quiz_results |
Word censorship filter |
filter_censor |
VideoJS Flash |
media_videojs |
WebCT question import format |
webct |
Examview question import format |
examview |
Open LMS plugins to be removed in 4.0 MP1
Open Content |
tool_xplor |
ltisource_xplor |
Security Fixes
Backport of core security fixes
MSA-22-0028 - Apply upstream security fix to VideoJS library to remove XSS risk
MSA-22-0029 - Course restore - CSRF token passed in course redirect URL
MSA-22-0030 - Reflected XSS risk in policy tool
MSA-22-0031 - Stored XSS possible in some "social" user profile fields
MSA-22-0032 - Blind SSRF risk in LTI provider libraryty attempts report
Community plugins did not apply the activity header after being upgraded to 4.0
Sbx release: bump_submission_for_stale_conversions task is maxing out the CPU on DB servers
OIDC Backport - Authentication button is not displayed
Download course content option is not showing for Students in Snap
Remove emojis from new language strings welcomeback and welcometosite
Block Drawer and Course Index not expanding in Boost theme
New Snap Icons in the Tiles course format
- In the snap theme, the student cannot see the add submission button the first time the student enters the assign activity.
Redirect new "Services and Support" link
Make Ally work for 4.0
Re-introduce conduit patch in Open LMS 4.0
Download all submissions will not open all files or include all submissions
Implement a new dropdown menu for Open LMS plugins in Boost secondary navigation within a course
Fix the 'My' page layout for Snap.
Fix a position for the new 'Send content change notification' setting.
Snap icons design for activities - Core and Open plugins
Backport MDL-75308 - Schedule tasks issue with local plugins
Boost secondary navigation improvements - 4.0 Research
Snap, PLD - The toolbar is moved to the right / Scrollbar in the dashboard
Show File appearance info attributes for Snap
Fix page path deleted category Liquidus test failing in Moodle 4.0
Ally - Moodle 4.0 is not displaying the Ally icons for the activities Boost/Classic
Less than '<' value in Admin SQL report must have space before value to filter correctly
Ally - The icon overlaps the name box of some of the activities while they are being created
Snap, Styles - Style issues after 4.0 merge
Rebuild AMD modules
Recent activity block 'coding error' when using Questionnaire activity
Moodle™ 4.0 deprecations: get_array_of_activities()
Moodle™ 4.0 deprecations: Behat
Moodle™ 4.0 deprecations: set_alignment()
Moodle™ 4.0 Deprecations: Yui
Open Reports - Error sending message to student
Activity blocks for Snap - Change icons in blocks to have the same design as Snap
Activity blocks for Snap: Adjustments Change icons in blocks to have the same design as Snap - Part 2
custom report tabs are missing in snap theme
Sbx release: Remove bump_submission_for_stale_conversions scheduling from upgrade path.
Release Schedule
Production Data Center Upgrade Schedule
December 28, 2022
North America, Central America, South America (Virginia, USA datacenter): Clients will be upgraded according to their timezone:
Eastern, Amazon, and Newfoundland-Labrador Timezones: December 28, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 6:30 AM EST
Central Timezone: December 28, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 6:30 AM CST
Mountain and Pacific Timezones: December 28, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 6:30 AM PST
South America (Sao Paulo, Brazil datacenter): December 28, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 6:30 AM BRT
EMEA (Frankfurt datacenter): December 28, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 6:30 AM CET
APAC excluding Australia and New Zealand (Singapore datacenter): December 28, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 6:30 AM SGT
Australia and New Zealand (Sydney, AU datacenter): December 28, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 6:30 AM AEDT
Non-Production Sites Upgrade Schedule
We will upgrade non-production (sandbox) sites on Thursday, December 1st, 2022, between 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST.
Non-production upgrades occur during North American business hours to improve the quality of the upgrade process and shorten the production upgrade window.
Downtime will be required for your production and non-production sites during this window.
Article is closed for comments.