Release Date: October 20, 2022
North America, Central America, South America (Virginia, USA datacenter): Clients will be upgraded according to their timezone:
Eastern, Amazon, and Newfoundland-Labrador Timezones: October 20, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM EDT
Central Timezone: October 20, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM CDT
Mountain and Pacific Timezones: October 20, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM PDT
South America (Sao Paulo, Brazil datacenter): October 20, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM BRT
EMEA (Frankfurt datacenter): October 20, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM CEST
APAC excluding Australia and New Zealand (Singapore datacenter): October 20, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM SGT
Australia and New Zealand (Sydney, AU datacenter): October 20, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM AEST
Non-Production Sites Upgrade Schedule
To improve the quality of the upgrade process and shorten the production upgrade window, non-production (sandbox) sites will be upgraded on Thursday, October 6, 2022, between 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT.
Downtime will be required for your production and non-production sites during this window.
Release Highlights
Upgrade to Core 3.11.9
As part of this maintenance pack, the team in Open LMS upgraded the platform to 3.11.7, 3.11.8, and 3.11.9, adding the corresponding fixes, improvements, security patches, and additional important backports.
Release Notes
For the full releases notes from, please see:
SNAP login redesign
We wanted to create a renovated UI for Snap’s login page, where platform administrators have more customization options for the design of the page.
This new design is simpler, more user-friendly, and also more accessible.
Some settings were changed thanks to this new design,
The setting called “Login options order” was removed, and the new page now has a more smooth and more user-friendly design that doesn’t have this setting.
All of the login settings are now under the Login page section inside Snap settings, here you will be able to change between different templates and add three images to act as background images on the login page.
Watch our tutorial on how this feature works:
This redesign eliminates the secondary login that Snap uses (The dropdown login that appears when clicking the login button) and redirects all users to the original login (/login/index.php)
Accessibility in Open LMS EDU
Within our roadmap, we have a devoted project to improve accessibility issues within our platform each quarter. To identify AX issues, we focus on three main sources:
Issues found by the internal team, when reviewing a new Moodle version or general functionalities.
Issues found by customers or final users that are particularly interested in improving the platform’s accessibility.
Issues found in the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). We have done the VPAT for three consecutive years, which allows us to identify more specific AX issues.
2022 VPAT for Open LMS EDU with Snap:
For 2022, we have done a new Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, which is a third-party review of our platform using the SNAP theme. It evaluates how accessible we are, and how every reviewed element complies with the Revised 508 Standards for IT accessibility.
Specific AX improvements based on the VPAT
For this release, we are focusing our efforts on EDU plugins, more specifically on the Snap theme.
Elements that had the most changes:
The no-visual improvements that were updated for accessibility, were elements that involved functionality elements like,
Buttons, Proper attributes to mark the elements as buttons if needed.
Aria attributes, Some elements depending entirely on their functionality needed new attributes, for example, decorative icons, icons with functionality, and expandable elements to know if they are expanded or not.
Lists, When a series of similar items are grouped together in a meaningful or deliberate way, this should be conveyed to screen reader users. Some elements were changed to comply with this, for example, the menu for “more” that appears in the activity actions, the elements in the course dashboard, and the elements in the general view for My Account, among others.
Plugin reviews and updates
Updates to plugins you are already using will be made available on your site automatically; you do not need to request them.
Plugins you are not already using will not be available automatically and will need to be requested in a support ticket.
Updated Plugins
Smowl |
block_smowl |
2022041900 |
2022081900 |
Product Catalog |
block_products_catalog |
2022071100 |
2022080800 |
Intellicart |
local_intellicart |
2022071100 |
2022092000 |
enrol_intellicart |
2022051800 |
2022090500 |
intellicartpayments_paypalpro |
2022022800 |
2022082300 |
Intelliboard |
local_intelliboard |
2022070804 |
2022091204 |
Ally |
tool_ally |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
filter_ally |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
report_allylti |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Theme Assets |
tool_themeassets |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Google SAML Auth |
auth_gsaml |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Availability by release code |
availability_releasecode |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Google Apps |
block_gapps |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Profile Redirect |
block_profile_redirect |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Snapfeeds |
block_snapfeeds |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Checklist |
gradingform_checklist |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Drift |
local_drift |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Collaborate |
mod_collaborate |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Go1 |
mod_goone |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
Live Poll |
mod_livepoll |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
SafeAssign |
plagiarism_safeassign |
2022072900 |
2022101200 |
New Plugins
Name |
Component |
Version |
Intelliboard Next |
local_intellidata |
2022070200 |
The new Intelliboard Next (local_intellidata) is now available for our Open LMS EDU customers. Please request its activation via a support ticket, and please consider you need to reach out to the Intelliboard team for the plugin plan upgrade, the configuration, and data migration of this plugin.
To be removed in 2022
We announced the end of life of Open Forums (mod_hsuforum) at the start of 2022. At this point, in order to focus on the 4.0 upgrade, we have delayed this plugin EOL, and will now be targeted for Q2 of 2023.
We recommend all our clients use the Moodle Core Forums activity (mod_forum) instead of the Open Forums one, in order to reduce the number of activities that will need migration with the EOL.
With the 3.11 MP5 release no new clients will have the Open Forums (mod_hsuforum) plugin available by default.
We have advanced the process of removing Legacy Log (legacy_log) for plugins that still used this. This does not need any further preparation from our clients.
We plan to end the support of Progress Bar (block_progress). The creators of this plugin suggest the use of the Completion Progress block instead because it is faster and more efficient, easier to use, and more compatible with additional plugins. In Open LMS EDU we already have Completion Progress block, so we suggest you switch to it before the EOL of Progress Bar.
Bug Fixes and Minor Enhancements
- Backport 3.11.10 security fixes:
- Backport 3.11.9 security fixes:
3.11 MP5 H1
Block_reports: Results not updated even when query is updated using Chrome
3.11 MP5 H2
Photo Tiles progress indicators missing when alternative style is turned on
Error: Script error for “theme_snap/snapce” when deleting a Category with a course in Firefox
3.11 MP5 H3
Description in the login background, to improve login page usability.
In Snap using Tiles format when moving an activity, the edit button of the activity is affected.
Restore option has overlapping Drag & Drop icons
Tiles format: Hyperlinks in label resource not holding original position
OIDC/local_o365 - Backport users duplication fix
EDU VPAT Snap - Homepage logged out - 2
3.11 MP5 H4
Reports tab in course admin is opening Ally page
Tiles format showing content pop-up box duplicated in SAAS sites
3.11 MP5 H5
Line spacing not retained in advanced forum posts
Apply fix for 3.11MP5 version: Download all submissions will not open all files or include all submissions
Backport 3.11.11 security fixes
3.11 MP5 H6
Patch for block_intelligent_learning
Submission files do not open after using download all submissions
3.11 MP5 H7
jQuery.Deferred exception: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'MutationObserver'
3.11 MP5 H8
PLD, Rule/History Filtering - Event filter is not working correctly
3.11 MP5 H9
Problems using quickly extracting Open LMS data with deferred SQL
3.11 MP4 H1
Ally WYSIWYG interfering with page activity descriptions being displayed
Remove webexactivity task execution from upgrade path
In Snap, Assignments not displaying correct due date on course page
3.11 MP4 H2
Unable to load PLD or restore course if rule contains event or condition on deleted course module
Reintegrate INT-17777
3.11 MP4 H3
Research and develop a Software Engineering solution for the problem in INT-17868
Backport Security fix - MDL-75388
3.11 MP4 H4
local_intellicart: Database error on dashboard page
Backport 3.11.9 security fixes
3.11 MP4 H5
local_liquidus: Can't find data record in database table context is displayed when deleting a course category
3.11 MP4 H6
Limit number of files deleted per iteration of local_mrooms\task\delete_assignfeedback_editpdf_files task
Backport 3.11.10 security fixes
3.11 MP5
Error when logging in - Snap login redesign
New design for the forgot password page
theme_snap: Wrong assignment meta data displayed(dates) when overrides are used
Login first template to redesign
Remove the usage of the login mustache template used in the personal menu.
EDU VPAT Snap - Carousel (logged in)
New design for the sign up page
Implement the second template on the login index page.
EDU VPAT Snap - Front Page (logged in)
Redirect pld url grays out, course becomes unavailable
The Progress Bar options don't work
In Snap while using the Tile format the Page resource is throwing errors when trying to view
mod_quiz: Backport MDL-74270 bug in format_float $stripzeros option with zero decimal places
README: Conduit
Image loop to upload a file
Snap, Navigation bar - Default colors
Improve carousel Snap accessibility behat test
EDU VPAT Snap - Color contrast sitewide
Increase the frequency of local_mrooms\task\ delete_assignfeedback_editpdf_files task
EDU VPAT - My Account
theme_snap: Wrong assignment meta data displayed(dates) when overrides are used
Conduit cron course sync slowed by repeated efforts to sync parent/child courses. Part 2
Forum due dates do not show in snap
External tools page not loading
Conduit edit user record with leading zero creates new user
Videos on course with snap theme still playing when change of section or topics
EDU VPAT Snap - Homepage logged out - 1
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