Release Date
August 11, 2022
North America, Central America, South America (Virginia, USA data center):
Clients will be upgraded according to their timezone:-
Eastern, Amazon, and Newfoundland-Labrador Timezones: August 11, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM EDT
Central Timezone: August 11, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM CDT
Mountain and Pacific Timezones: August 11, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM PDT
South America (Sao Paulo, Brazil datacenter): August 11, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM BRT
EMEA (Frankfurt datacenter): August 11, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM CEST
APAC excluding Australia and New Zealand (Singapore datacenter): August 11, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM SGT
Australia and New Zealand (Sydney, AU datacenter): August 11, 2022, at 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM AEST
Non-Production Sites Upgrade Schedule
To improve the quality of the upgrade process and shorten the production upgrade window, non-production (sandbox) sites will be upgraded on Thursday, July 28, 2022, between 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT.
Downtime will be required for your production and non-production sites during this window.
Release Highlights
Updated Mobile App version
We have just updated our Open LMS App version. This updated version comes with a new splash screen and fixes several bugs, including a SCORM visibility issue that Android users were experiencing.
UX improvements
For this release, we made several improvements to make the user experience better for our customers
Video size notification
We have added a notification on the course File Picker for content creators to be take into account video and maximum file sizes.
Message: “For optimal course experience, if your file or video is larger than 100Mb we recommend optimizing it or linking it from an external source or publishing service.”
UI Before
UI Now
Full-screen toggle
SNAP was experiencing some issues displaying the full-screen toggle with a with of 100%.
UI Before
UI Now
Scroll for Windows users
When using Featured Courses of SNAP, Windows users were seeing a scroll in the course description. The scroll will now only appear if needed.
UI Before
UI Now
Tiles format
We introduced the Tiles format in our previous release, and we fixed some ux issues that the format was experiencing with SNAP.
UI Before
UI Now
Accessibility in Open LMS EDU
Within our roadmap, each quarter we have a devoted project to improve accessibility issues within our platform. To identify AX issues, we focus on three main sources:
- Issues found by the internal team, when reviewing a new Moodle version or general functionalities.
- Issues found by customers or final users that are particularly interested in improving the platform’s accessibility.
- Issues found in the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). We have done the VPAT for three consecutive years, which allows us to identify more specific AX issues.
2022 VPAT for Open LMS EDU with Snap:
For 2022, we have done a new Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, a third-party review of our platform using the SNAP theme. It evaluates how accessible we are, and how every reviewed element complies with the Revised 508 Standards for IT accessibility.
This year, the third-party review was done by Accessible360, and we will share the audit results with our customers and the broader community in the next couple of days.
Support of Office 365 Teams and Teams Meeting LTI integration
Open LMS has worked with the Microsoft O365 team to start supporting the LTI integration of O365 Teams and Teams Meeting in Open LMS EDU.
Please keep in mind that you need the O365 plugins enabled in your platform, in the latest version.
You will also need to follow these settings for the integration to work as expected.
Plugin reviews and updates
Updates to plugins you are already using will be made available on your site automatically; you do not need to request them.
Plugins you are not already using will not be available automatically and will need to be requested in a support ticket.
Updated Plugins
Ally |
tool_ally |
2022060600 |
2022072900 |
filter_ally |
2022060600 |
2022072900 |
report_allylti |
2022060600 |
2022072900 |
Caliper log store |
logstore_caliper |
2022041300 |
2022072900 |
Google SAML Auth |
auth_gsaml |
2022060600 |
2022072900 |
Availability by Release Code |
availability_releasecode |
2022041300 |
2022072900 |
Google Apps |
block_gapps |
2022041300 |
2022072900 |
Products Catalog |
block_products_catalog |
2022051800 |
2022071100 |
Profile Redirect |
block_profile_redirect |
2022041300 |
2022072900 |
enrol_pld |
2022041300 |
2022072900 |
local_pld |
2022060600 |
2022072900 |
Checklist |
gradingform_checklist |
2022041300 |
2022072900 |
Intellicart |
local_intellicart |
2022051801 |
2022071100 |
intellicartpayments_quickbooksdt |
2020122102 |
2022062202 |
Intelliboard |
local_intelliboard |
2022051800 |
2022070804 |
Collaborate |
mod_collaborate |
2022060600 |
2022072900 |
Live poll |
mod_livepoll |
2022041300 |
2022072900 |
Turnitin |
mod_turnitintooltwo |
2022020301 |
2022051201 |
SafeAssign |
plagiarism_safeassign |
2022041300 |
2022072900 |
Snap Theme |
theme_snap |
2022060600 |
2022072900 |
New Plugins
Intellicart |
intellicartpayments_xetta |
2022060200 |
To be removed in 2022
We are considering EOLing Open Forums (mod_hsuforum), as current core forums offer very similar functionality. This is being reviewed and scoped, since a migration tool will be developed for our customers.
From the 3.11 MP5 release no new clients will have the Open Forums (mod_hsuforum) plugin available by default.
We will also be in the process of removing Legacy Log (legacy_log) during this year.
This also applies to the plugin Progress Bar (block_progress). The creators of this plugin suggest the use of the Completion Progress block instead because it is faster and more efficient, easier to use, and more compatible with additional plugins. In Open LMS EDU we already have Completion Progress block, so we suggest you switch to it before the EOL of Progress Bar.
Bug Fixes and Minor Enhancements
LTI Advantage: Non-Editing Teacher has role Student (Backport MDL-74481)
Backport 3.11.8 security fixes
3.11 MP3 H1
plagiarism_safeassign query performance
Add site hash to data telemetry layer (Liquidus)
Add admin-facing capability to data telemetry
Snap theme: Incorrect target for Reports link
3.11 MP3 H2
Slow course response when user is member of many groups
LTI 1.3 deploying of multiple activities not working
3.11 MP3 H3
With Ally turned on, multiple choice questions are not displaying answers correctly
Can't delete Questions from Question bank (backport MDL-74299)
3.11 MP3 H4
- Conduit throws an error when synchronizing XML files in
3.11 MP3 H5
- Background processing for journal module scheduled task failing
3.11 MP3 H6
SafeAssign, restore issue - Page timeouts when user tries to import a course with SA activities
local_pld: Send email Action does not have a body field for sites using Postgresql database
3.11 MP4
theme_snap: Wrong assignment metadata displayed(dates) when overrides are used
Ally filter behat tests are dependent on SNAP
Remove the scrollbar that is being displayed for featured courses title on hover in Snap
Boost tiles format - Ellipsis truncates activity titles under each section
Full-Screen toggle does not display as full screen in Snap when the HTML button is selected
Ally accessibility score indicator is not displayed on images embedded in a forum post
Sharing Cart: Too few arguments to function error
PLD grade range doesn't trigger on forum
Activity completion "Expect Completed on" function doesn't add an entry to the Calendar block for Live Poll activities
Warning about loading video in Open LMS
I have a CLI Script to Delete assignfeedback_editpdf files
Site administration tools do not load if auth_oidc installed without local_o365
The chat activity module does not display the chat
Restore of SafeAssign data may include extra submission records
Update query in block_reports to use logstore_standard instead of legacy log
fileconverter_force_utf config corrupts Word documents
The Tiles Format setting, “Filter bar”, causes the tile numbers to overlap with the Snap Course Dashboard link
The completion checkmark is covered by the section name in the Tiles format
Ensure that block_collect handles data according to Standard Log when configured for that
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